Enemies Assemble!

📆 Created on July 15, 2021. 🔖 electric-noirunity3dgame-development

I've been working on more mockup-type stuff for different levels I want to include in the game and I figured I would take a minute to assemble all the enemies in one screenshot.

This mockup includes two characters that I purchased off the itch.io store. I cleaned up a few of their animations and tweaked some of their art to fit the design of Electric Noir a bit better. I'm hopeful that this will work out well and save me some time later on (so far, it's two characters that I haven't had to do any design or animation work on).

I also added a few more enemies of my own:

My hope is that I'll be able to build out a palette swap system to get more mileage out of the basic enemies. We'll see if I'm able to come up with a working solution for that.

I was also able to build out a character template for a larger melee enemy.

I also created a chest that will contain useful upgrades/items.

What do you think about the characters? Shoot me your thoughts on twitter.

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